The client brief: Please help to restore our kitchen worktop. The house is currently used as an AirBnB in Cambridge and after multiple guests it has suffered from pot burns, acetone burns and has had some plastic bags melted to it.
Knowing the history of this worktop, as I previously sanded it down and oiled it, I knew what I was in for. The worksurface itself was in tiptop condition, but had suffered from a bit of abuse. We took the decision to not sand it down entirely, but rather focus our time & attention on 4 trouble areas.
After a few hours of sanding & 3 coats of oil on the 4 trouble areas, a complete 00 steel wool rub down over the entire worktop, and a final coat of oil we restored the beautiful oak worktop to it’s previous tiptop condition.
Does your kitchen worktop require a bit of TLC? Please get in touch so we can take a closer look and schedule the work in.