The client brief: SIMPLE - please save my raised beds!
The original raised beds have been in situ for 15 years, and they’ve served my client brilliantly - however the past few years their age has caught up with them. Now on their last legs, it’s time to revitalise these utilitarian structures with something special. Jarrah, ‘fenders’ which have been in service already for 50+ years, is an Australian hardwood imported to the UK some years when we started controlling our Oak natural resource. Jarrah as a timber is twice as dense as Oak, is highly rot resistant, water resistant and fungal resistant - absolutely perfect for the job!
Shifting nearly 5 cubic metres of lovely soil, and building these new beasts was a real joy and privilege. Despite their toughness, all my raised beds are properly lined with a damp proof membrae, thus ensuring that the beds are in service for another 50+ years.
Do you have a garden project that you’re interested in embarking on? Please get in touch so we can take a closer look and schedule the work in.